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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Adding Rich Text or HTML Descriptions Google Maps

Google Maps - แผนที่ กูเกิ้ล แม็พ

By default the descriptions of your map items are in plain text. However, you can use rich text or HTML. To do this:

  1. Create or open a map.
  2. Click the appropriate placemark, line, shape. The info window appears.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Choose Plain Text, Rich Text or Edit HTML.
  5. To edit rich text descriptions, select the text and use the icons above the description field:

    Rich text icons
  6. To use HTML descriptions, add HTML in the description field. Some HTML may be stripped from the description if it is considered unsafe or malicious.
  7. Click OK to save your changes.

Google Maps - แผนที่ กูเกิ้ล แม็พ
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Google Maps - แผนที่ กูเกิ้ล แม็พ

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